Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My questions

Second and Third set of questions

1. What role did the international community play during the genocide? International community has to do something whenever human rights are violated. The international community can learn many lessons from past traumatic experiences of genocide as well as from relevant experience of genocide-free world regions.

2. Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide? Yes the term is used to imply the existence of common duties and obligations between them, frequently in the context of calls for the respect of human rights.

3. How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide? I think we as students should take this as something true that is a problem and do not led all the responsibilities to adults because we are part of a society as well and we are the future of the world, we have to make the difference. And a good way is with this website the teacher provides us.

1. Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened? Yes I remember one day I was at a store and a rob took place at the same time. The only people who were there were the women at the cash register, me and the bad guy who point her with a gun. So when the guy leaved the women started crying with me and she called the police, but her husband arrived before and he started going after the guy but he never find him.

2. When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsability to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved? They don't have like responsability because they could help if they want or not and there's any obligation for them to help.

First and Fourth set of questions

What is "hatred?" When is it dangerous? Is a word that describes intense feelings of dislike. It can be used in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects, to hatred of other people, or even entire groups of people. Hatred is dangerous when is in excess and when a person can’t control it.

Whose responsibility is it to work to end hatred or to respond when hatred provokes violence? I believe that the global monitoring of gross human rights violations is a task which has to be coordinated by a special UN task force.

1 comment:

  1. I think Liliana misunderstood the first question, it was asking how does the international community did or cooperate in the Rwandan genocide. Actually, they turned their back to Tusis and these terrible situation.
    And referring to the question about when is hatred dangerous, I think that it becomes dangerous when people with a lot of political power hate something or someone (as in genocide)and when their goals concern in the damaging of these.
