Monday, March 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

By: Carolina Santa Cruz Marquez

1. What does the title mean? How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film?
In the title “Slumdog” refers to a person who lives in slums, which are places where a lot of trash is deposit, so they are very poor people. So when you joined the phrase all together “Slumdog Millionaire” you can imagine that this movie will be about a poor person who has suffered too much in his life, but now he is being rewarded for all that pain by becoming rich.

2. Early in the film we see the young Jamal dive into a latrine pit to steal a glimpse at a visiting movie star. How does his single-mindedness to see this movie star reveal his determination? What other examples do you see in the film of his determination?
He showed that he had the courage to stand up on difficult situations no matter what risk it take. Some other examples can be when he decides to go to the house where Latika was living, though he knew he could be killed; in fact a lot of his actions proved that he will do whatever he could, up until the point of risking his own life, to be with Latika, who was the person he loved the most.

3. In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach? (The prized autograph, Latika, his brother, the answers, etc.)
It means that he had to fight on order to get what he want, and the series of events will take him to get those things no matter what it costs.


  1. In the first question, Carolina made a really good relationship with the 2 words from the movie's title, and it is really true. This is because every person, in this movie, gets the chance to play in the show it's taken place and become a millionaire with just answering right the questions asked.
    This second question is really well answered because in our daily lives, we have to take risks, and everything in our lives is taken by risks which determines a lot out personality.
    This last question I think is a little short because I think there is a lot to say. First of all because what we desire is always going to be what we want, and we can always get it if we have more determination, and ir we really want it. Like Jamal, for example, what he wanted was Latika, and with all of his actions and the ways he tries to get to her, make her see that he really cared for her, and that no matter what, he was always going to be there for her, that was their "destiny", and it was all determined by his actions towards her.

  2. I liked caro's answer to number 3 I think that we all need to fight to get what we want, nothing in this life is free and is something we would be learn as life goes on.
    About question two, I agree as well, I think he did what the thought was right, no matter the risk, I liked that he was most of the time secure about what we think and of what he was going to do. I hope I was like him in that aspect.
    The title refers to the place where they lived where there's a lot of trash and I think as well as caro that when you read the story you kind of have an idea that it talks about poor place "slumdog" but then the word millonarie makes it interesting for you in order to start watching the movie.

  3. In the first question I think Carolina named one of the interpretations of the title, for
    I think it has another that has to do more with the plot. I think "Slumdog Millionaire" refers in kind of a despective way a guy, once very poor, that finds himself wealth, not just a monetary one but a emotional and mental.
    In the second I think that that movie star represented for Jamal a role model. A man that is a hero that fights for what he wants. I think this is really essential in the film, for it's what he does as the trama develops.
